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Menhir — © Dominic Wagner

Project Megalith by Jochem Esser is a sculptural installation that examines the link between physical objects and electronic phenomena in performative rituals. It includes a central sculpture and two custom horn speakers activated during performances, where sound artists create a unique soundscape.

Esser draws inspiration from ancient megalithic structures

Esser draws inspiration from ancient megalithic structures, which served as sites for rituals rather than mere monuments. He conceptualizes Megalith as a blend of the sculpture's permanence and the transience of sound and performance.

During Dutch Design Week, sound artists will collaborate to build an evolving sound loop. Each artist will contribute sequentially, expanding the soundscape over the event.

The horn shaped sculpture enhance certain frequencies while suppressing others,Inviting the sound-artists to interact with the acoustics and the sculpture’s physical form. Through this installation, Esser connects historical ritual practices with contemporary explorations of sound and space.

About Jochem Esser

Jochem Esser is a visual artist who is interested in the anthropological aspects of crafted objects.

His work navigates between the realms of applied and fine art. He draws inspiration from subjects like science fiction, applied game design and ancient artefacts.