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Embassy of Inclusive Society


Experience in education

Studenten oefenen met tools HU pabo — © Myrthe Veeneman

To what extent do we take the knowledge and experience of children and students seriously? Is there room to use that knowledge within education? And h

Shifting perspective

By shifting the perspective from ‘I pose a problem’ to ‘I add value’, the experiences of students with chronic conditions can be transformed into expert knowledge. This way, personal experience proves to be a valuable contribution to education.

Together, students at the teacher training college for primary education (pabo) and their teachers, designed interactive tools to help teachers and students switch roles, tackle 'difficult' topics, and develop insights into the value of lived experience with chronic conditions. These tools are not only used at Hogeschool Utrecht but also in primary schools. During their internships, students bring these ideas directly into the educational field.

About MV design

Social designers Myrthe Veeneman and Marjolein Vermeulen (MV design) research and strengthen interactive processes around social issues.