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Wat dragen we over een aantal jaar? En hoe is dat gemaakt?

Dit project was onderdeel van DDW 2021

Deze expo laat zien hoe Fashion Tech zich heeft ontwikkeld sinds de coronacrisis. Georganiseerd en samengesteld door Red Dot-winnende Fashion Tech Designer Marina Toeters. Het werk wordt getoond in een functionerende werkruimte van de Fashion Tech Farm. Zo kun je ervaren hoe we mode innoveren.

20+ Fashion Tech projecten: van studentenwerk tot werk van multinationals.

Met werk van With work from LABELEDBY., Bilihome, Tongji University; Qi Wang, Tyana Hendriksma, Beam Contrechoc, Malou Beemer, Julia van Zilt, Anne-Marie Sust, Bertrand Rigot & Marion Verbucken, Laurentius Lab, Lenneke Kuijer, Holst Centre, Rob Vogels, Tim van der Loo & Sandra Nielsen, Madison Maxey from Loomia, Anina Net and Yulia Zelenina.
In opdracht van de EU het VIBE project over de toekomst van consumptiecultuur.
Twee Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) opdrachten van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) en de minister van Medische Zorg en Sport, namelijk Caring Clothing Tech en Fit Filter. Epson Europe, Marina Toeters en anderen!

Events during DDW @FTF:
S4Fashion, Monday October 18, 17-19 o'clock.
The S4Fashion project is co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union and is being led by the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN) in partnership with Envolve Entrepreneurship Greece, DataScouts, Instituto Europeo di Design (IED) and ZIPHOUSE, Moldova.

S4Fashion is empowering designers, start-ups, scale-ups and businesses identified as SMEs to introduce new sustainable and circular economy solutions for the fashion industry. The project aims to identify and amplify the best and up to date practices for a greener fashion sector.

Selected pilot projects will benefit from a bespoke support programme including mentoring, networking opportunities and financial support. Beyond the pilot projects, a much larger number of organizations will be supported in building a system of transnational sustainable fashion laboratories for the testing and measurement of new methodologies. Find more info via: https://s4fashion.eu/

Followed up by:

Fashion Tech Party, Monday October 18, 18-20 o'clock. With DJ Chet and fries from Pejoco!

Ekodoki product launch, Tuesday October 19, 17.30-20 o'clock.

Meer evenementen....

The Art of Sublimation in Fashion at LAB1 in Eindhoven, Thursday October 21, 20-20.30 o'clock.
10 talented designers are selected to show their qualities. It is going to be a show full of sublimation in fashion, 3D print in fashion, dance and music.

This is a project by Epson Europe and LABELEDBY.
Tickets for invitees are free, but there are limited seats, so make sure you will get a ticket HERE.
The location is obligated to ask for corona QR codes before you can enter the building/show.

Fashion Tech Networking hosted by 360Fashion Network, Friday October 22, 13-14 o'clock. In this 1-hour online networking session, we bring together the fashion and tech world to synch up during the Dutch Design Week 2021.
Here is the link for free entry: https://pxlme.me/wWfKyy58

Visit also for free the Drivers of Change exhibition at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Find it outside in the greenhouses next to the Atlas buidiling. Here are 9 more 'wearable' projects on show. More info: https://ddwtue.nl/ And don't forget to visit Manifestations!!!