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(Archief) DDW Talks: Interactive Experiences

How is technology fueling new forms of design, art, and creativity?

Dit project was onderdeel van DDW 2021
Bart Hess

As digital technologies continue to advance, design experimentation continues on a big scale. Find out how innovative new design and manufacturing techniques are driving a trend for experience-based artworks, from lighting displays to festival installations.

New generations of designing digital experiences.

Together with Merel van Helsdingen (founder & managing director of Nxt Museum) we travel through the world of the new generations of designing digital experiences.

• Merel van Helsdingen | Founder and managing director of Nxt Museum and on the Dutch Design Award Expert Panel of the category Data & Interaction
• Boris Acket | Multidisciplinary artist
• Luis Ferreira | Creative technologist at Schuur Creations and DDW paticipant
• Angelique Spanings | Director and curator at MU - hybrid art house and chairman of Design Research category at Dutch Design Awards

Marsha Simon | Community manager Dutch Design Foundation

09:30 | Doors open at Fifth, The Stage (NRE Terrein, Gasfabriek 5, Eindhoven)
10:00 | Start DDW Talks
13:00 | Start light lunch at Fifth
14:00 | End programme

Good to know:
- The DDW Talks include coffee and tea during the break and a light lunch
- The programme will be spoken in English
- Upon entry you need to show your 'Coronavirus Entry Pass'/'Coronatoegangsbewijs' + ID

About Nxt Museum

Nxt Museum is the first museum in the Netherlands dedicated to new media art, based in Amsterdam. Here you can discover large scale, multi-sensory exhibitions which challenge assumptions and open minds. Nxt Museum seeks, shows and questions what is Nxt.

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