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(Archief) Deep Decisions?

Deepfakes als design tool in muziekvideo's

Dit project was onderdeel van DDW 2022

Deep Decisions? is a research-and-design project investigating the use of deepfake technology as a design tool in music videos. Often perceived as disruptive, deceitful, and harmful, how can deepfakes redefine themselves once employed as an artistic or practical means for music video production?

Emerging Technologies in Music Videos

How are emerging technologies appropriated in music videos? How do they become design tools for new artistic expression, and can they subsequently challenge, elevate, mock, criticise, reinterpret, comment on broader societal traits and attitudes? To what extent are music videos a democratic and inclusive stage for public debate and ideas dissemination?

Deepfake as Design Tool

Deep Decisions? takes a deep dive into these questions, deconstructing deepfake technology’s mode of production, its potential of replicating existing cultural and social biases based on the data fed into the generative adversarial networks (GANs), its copyright controversy and impersonation danger, and speculating about its future development in terms of artistic value and media impact.

Taking the form of a video installation, Deep Decisions? is an open question on deepfake technology’s potential for creative use.

This project was made possible with generous support from Het Nieuwe Instituut and The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision.