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(Archief) Design United | Design Research Programme

Design Research in 5 thema's

Dit project was onderdeel van DDW 2022
POND, Agoston Walter, TU/e, Nova Innova — © Agoston Walter, TU/e

Design United voert 5 achtereenvolgende dagen het debat over design research in het Microlab in Eindhoven. Verschillende formats worden ingezet om te praten over en te werken aan de 5 thema's : More than Human Design, Futuring, Politics of Design, Entanglements with AI, and Neo Craftsmanships.

More than Human Design, Futuring, Politics of Design, Entanglements with AI, and Neo Craftsmanships.

1 More than Human Design

We entered an eco-age, which spans and traverses the social, natural, and artificial. How can we create value for future habitats that are natural for the ‘life’ and growth of humans and nonhumans? Can design be at the heart of such ecosystems? How can we manipulate leverage points that affect all within the system? Which collaborations and ways of thinking are needed to shift towards decentralizing the human? In this theme, we move from human-centered design to more than human design.

2 Futuring
Design is a future-oriented practice. Ways to envision the future, to speculate and reflect on it, and even to rehearse what it may feel like to inhabit alternative futures, are all critical components of the designer's toolkit. As the fate of our planet lies in the balance, the ways design shapes our futures – the kind of relations, experiences, meanings, and behaviors it forms – need to be explored, problematized, and reoriented. We need to figure out, collectively, where opportunities for responsible innovation lie, and help society move forward in respectful, responsible, and exciting new ways.

Futuring — © Data door, Hanna van Rixtel, TU/e

Politics of Design — © One size fits some, Maartje van Proosdij, TU Delft

Entanglements with AI — © Vera vd Burg, Senthil Chandrasegaran & Peter Lloyd

Neo Craftsmanships - Ceci n'est pas une chaise