VPRO's 3D Viewing Room: Dustin
Dustin is an innovative, interactive story about a very smart vacuum cleaner who wants to break free from the restrictions of his designated role. In this 3D Viewing Room, you can take a peek into Dustin's living room and find out more about his story. Together with writer Niels 't Hooft, VPRO medialab developed Dustin as an interactive experience for the smartphone. With this app, they investigate the relationship between man and machine.

Ambassador Talks: What will our future look like?
Journalists Chris Kijne, Pieter van der Wielen and artist and philosopher Koert van Mensvoort talked to important speakers who shape or predict our future. Their guests included two of our ambassadors of DDW20 - Lidewij Edelkoort and Sabine Marcelis -, and DDW19 ambassador Lonneke Gordijn (Studio Drift). Rewatch all of the talks at our video page!
VPRO Tegenlicht: privacy and data
Tegenlicht: De slag om het internet
How can we achieve a fairer, more humane internet? Programme maker Roland Duong is looking for the answer in an online project. He will not only put it on the agenda, but will also look for solutions together with experts. In the form of podcasts, video streams and blogs. DDW20 was the kick-off of his search for internet freedom and he spoke with privacy designers and web experts. Rewatch the broadcast, or follow Roland on vpro.nl/dsoi.
Tegenlicht: Conquer your data
Tegenlicht took a close look at 'user independence'. What initiatives are there for a more public online world? In a time of online surveillance, data tracking and micro targeting, VPRO Tegenlicht started looking for ways out and solutions. What efforts and initiatives are there for a more public online world? Watch the broadcast now on ddw.nl/video.
VPRO Mondo
During DDW, Mondo, public broadcaster VPRO's art and culture programme, invited several progressive designers and speakers to the table. One of them was Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade. As part of the physical festival, he planned to build a large, ingenious labyrinth based on his essay on the art of changing direction. Of course, DDW did not take place physically this year, but Floris did join Mondo where he talked about the role of designers in a changing world.
Govert Flint showed a corona-proof traffic light; Lean-on-Me. When using this traffic light, you don't need your hands to push the button, but your shoulder. Pauline van Dongen brought her Body Wonders vest. As a designer, she incorporates technology into clothing, allowing signals to be transmitted remotely. Designer Bob Hendrikx brought a coffin he designed, made of mycelium; a network of fungi. This coffin ensures that the body and the coffin can be completely absorbed into nature.
Finally, Nadia spoke to textile artist Claudy Jongstra about her working methods and motives. Claudy has a seed archive of native plants that used to be used for dye pigments. She incorporates the pigments into her woollen textile art. For DDW, Jongstra went in collaboration with the Vincent van GoghHuis Zundert in search of the pigments of Vincent van Gogh's paint.
And many more...
'Nooit meer Slapen' (ed. never sleep again) with Lidewij Edelkoort: As DDW20 ambassador, Lidewij was invited to join the midnight radioshow to talk about culture with host Pieter van der Wielen. Listen now!
The future is fantastic: Are you also curious what our world will look like in 2039? In this series VPRO shows visions of the future, ask questions and introduce you to a number of pioneers. Read it here.
Mondo's Top 10: Because this year, young design talents were not able to show their work at a Graduation Show in Eindhoven, VPRO Mondo highlighted ten promising graduation projects in an exclusive article.
VPRO Guide: Edition #41 of the VPRO guide was a DDW special including many festival tips and in-depth articles.