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Three designers selected for SolarSquare Designchallenge

10 August 2017

De Witte Dame, situated at the Emmasingel, will be the gateway to a green zone that runs to the so-called ‘Steentjeskerk’ at the Vonderweg. The use of renewable energy is one of the main pillars for the development of this district (Emmasingelkwadrant).

Studio Toer, Studio Bas Sala and VANTOT get started with Solliance’s thin film solar cells

Did you know that in the near future a new park is going to be located in the city centre of Eindhoven? De Witte Dame, situated at the Emmasingel, will be the gateway to a green zone that runs to the so-called ‘Steentjeskerk’ at the Vonderweg. The use of renewable energy is one of the main pillars for the development of this district (Emmasingelkwadrant), hence Eindhoven municipality asked for Solliance’s assistance.  

Solliance is a research centre at High Tech Campus that focuses on the latest developments and possibilities in the field of solar energy. This technique is evolving rapidly; the idea that solar cells are merely placed on roofs is absolutely out-dated. For example: one of Solliance’s latest projects is SolaRoad, for which thin film solar cells are incorporated into a light-transmitting road surface. 

To generate more new applications for the use of these thin film solar cells, Solliance is now teaming up with different designers. Studio Toer, Studio Bas Sala en VANTOT are selected to join the SolarSquare Designchallenge. They are going to design a concept for the use of solar energy in the new park in Eindhoven. The aim is to make the solar cells perform a dual function in order to have an additional value next to their job as an energy supplier. 

Studio Toer - Social Sparkles


Bas Sala - Hefpark


VANTOT - Limpid Lights


In the beginning of October, a jury decides which of these three designers will be selected develop his or her idea into a prototype that is going to be installed in the park. During Dutch Design Week (21-29 October 2017) all three proposals will be exhibited. 



SolarSquare Designchallenge is supported by Dutch Design Foundation.