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Good Design for a Bad World talks online

07 December 2017

“For a long time I’ve wanted to draw attention to the ways that designers today are tackling major issues facing the world." - Marcus Fairs, #DDW17 ambassador and editor-in-chief of Dezeen.

“For a long time I’ve wanted to draw attention to the ways that designers today are tackling major issues facing the world."

- Marcus Fairs, #DDW17 ambassador and editor-in-chief of Dezeen.

Dutch Design Week teamed up with Dezeen to launch Good Design for a Bad World. This new platform kicked off with a series of panel discussions at the People's Pavilion during World Design Event, moderated by #DDW17 ambassador and editor-in-chief of Dezeen Marcus Fairs. Several speakers were invited to share their ideas on relevant issues that face our world today, such as climate change, refugees, terrorism, pollution and politics. How can design make a difference in these areas? Amongst others, humanitarian expert Kilian Kleinschmidt, architect Winy Maas, designer Dave Hakkens and What Design Can Do conference organiser Richard van der Laken were present at the talks.

Did you miss the Good Design for a Bad World talks or do you want to find out more? In the Good Design for a Bad World archive on the Dezeen website you can find the edited talks and special interviews with some of the speakers.