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Participation fee

Basic participation costs DDW25
Exhibition (9 days) + activities
Individual Designer / Design Studio / Design Collective (≤ 5 participants/employees) €106,-
Design Studio / Design Collective (> 5 participants/employees) €531,-
Small Organisation (≤ 20 employees), Education & Cultural Organisation €906,-
Medium Organisation (21-40 employees) €1.831,-
Large Organisation (> 40 employees) €3720,-

Additional costs may apply, including:

  • Venue rental or per square meter pricing
  • Facility costs
  • Travel, accommodation, catering, and hosting costs
  • Insurance costs
  • Production costs for your presentation

Wat do I get in return?

  • Nine days of networking with an international audience
  • A dedicated program team for support
  • Your own page in the online program on
  • Listing on the DDW map
  • Two tickets for the Grand Opening of DDW
  • Visibility through Design Rides
  • Free or discounted DDW tickets
Participant Tickets Included Tickets with discount*
Individual Designer / Design Studio / Design Collective (≤ 5 participants/employees) 2 tickets 5 tickets
Design Studio / Design Collective (> 5 participants/employees) 4 tickets 10 tickets
Small Organization (≤ 20 employees), Education & Cultural Organisation 5 tickets 10 tickets
Medium Organisation (21-40 employees) 10 tickets 15 tickets
Large Organisation (> 40 employees) 15 tickets 20 tickets

*As a participant, you can purchase a limited number of tickets with a €5 discount per ticket. The main participant will receive discount codes for this purpose. If you are registering with multiple people, you are jointly responsible for distributing the tickets.