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TU Eindhoven

Drivers of change

Just as the TU/e campus lies at the heart of the city of Eindhoven and the wider Brainport region, its research and education touches the heart of society. The students and engineers here are trained to become drivers of change by generating solutions that have a real impact on the world.

Key challenges
In the years and decades ahead there are three major challenges facing society: sustainability and the climate crisis; revolutions in enabling technologies such as AI, robotics and synthetic biology, and the increasing role technology plays in our lives.

Responsible innovations
In order to meet these challenges, it translates the top-notch research carried out by its scientists into responsible innovations with impact, in tight-knit collaborations with society and industry, other universities and award-winning student teams.

Collaboration with industry
As a result, the university features prominently in international rankings and indicators for collaboration with industry. It is also a breeding ground for successful startups and spin-offs in the field of sustainability, AI and photonics.

Linking pin
A key role in further deepening collaborations with industry and society is played by innovation Space, The Gate, Eindhoven Engine and its four main research institutes. These are the linking pin between fundamental research and practical applications for the real world.

Economic engine
To create even more impact and achieve the Brainport region ambition to become the engine of the Dutch economy, it aims to double the number of engineers it educates hereby 2032. Creating the impact-makers of tomorrow.