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(Archive) Something For Society

Students show how collaboration, research, design and technology can contribute to a sustainable and inclusive society.

This project was part of DDW 2023
Ball for visually impaired children — © Students from IDE

Students of Fontys Venlo Industrial Design Engineering (IPO and IDE) transform societal challenges into creative and realistic solutions. Something for Society provides an insight into this process.

Solutions for Society

Students work on real life challenges from companies or institutions in a design studio setting. The challenges are always of today, so that the students are working with the latest insights and technologies. Evaluating mistakes and celebrating successes are important parts of the study.

In this week, a pop-up design studio shows how the students solve problems of today.

Many of the projects on show are in line with the Fontys for Society theme. We show projects such as:
- an innovative smart pillow to improve the lives of people with dementia (client SMITH Advies & Consultancy)
- a white cane for the blind and visually impaired to improve road safety
- a smart ball to increase inclusiveness and participation in sports at school for blind and visually impaired children (client Visio)
- a rotating climbing wall for teenagers living in Hout-Blerick, to generate energy
- 3D printed furniture from bio-based material
- interior products out of grass based plate material

Both students and teachers will be present to demonstrate prototypes or to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Active for Society

During the DDW, these students also use their creative, technical and social skills to come up with solutions that the client can use. Would you like to see how IPO and IDE students create these solutions? Do you want to be a client? Visit the Schellens Fabriek!

Tour for Society

The Fontys for Society mission is fulfilled in different ways by the various study programmes and knowledge centers: from care to social design to applied technology. To give DDW visitors an idea of the assignments, programmes, challenges and possibilities, Fontys is organising a Tour for Society.
On Thursday 26 October at 15.00, a tour will be organised by design students at the Schellens Fabriek.
Interested in the tour? You can register for the tour here:

Smart pillow for people with dementia — © Students from IDE

Different solutions for parts of the white cane — © Patrick Allen