Network Applied Design Research (NADR) presents the latest insights about the dilemma's involved in deploying applied design research in living labs and similar experimental learning and innovation environments. How can designers navigate the challenges that they face during this process?
Design Dilemma's
Experimental learning and innovation environments such as living labs, fieldlabs and urban innovation labs, are increasingly used to connect multi-stakeholders in envisioning, creating, experimenting, learning, and trying out novel responses to diverse societal challenges. What is the unique contribution that applied design research(ers) may play and take in such learning environments? And how can we deliver on that promise? What are the challenges and dilemmas that designers may face in their contributions to these environments? During the session we will present and discuss how to navigate the following dilemmas: Open or Closed? Safe-zone or Real-life? Physical or Virtual? Transformation or Evolution? Fixed or Fluid roles? Discipline or Indiscipline? Present versus Future Realities?
13.00 – Walk in with coffee
13.30 – Welcome and opening
13.40 - Pecha Kucha with authors briefly presenting their findings
15.15 – Interactive discussions. Each visitor picks one author/paper to discuss
16.30 – Plenary feedback session and closing
17.00 – Drinks!
1. Opening and closing dynamics in/of experimental ‘lab’ environments (Wina Smeenk, Perica Savanović, Marieke Zielhuis & Daan Andriessen)
2. Bridging multi-stakeholder dialogue about AI systems in the lab (Tiwánée van der Horst, Anja Overdiek & Maaike Harbers)
3. Experimenting with Novel Knowledge - A Plea for Communities of Practice (Koen van Turnhout & Daan Andriessen)
4. The Art of Connection - Crossing borders of safe zones (Jeroen van den Eijnde & Masi Mohammadi)
5. Shaping Transitions Together? Designers Doing More Than Experimenting in Living Labs (Anja Overdiek, Janneke Sluijs, Morgan Duta & Maria Arias)
6. Ceci n'est pas une prototype - Prototypes and idealtypes as representations of what works and what matters (Guido Stompff, Mark Jacobs & Donagh Horgan)
7. Exploring the potential of Festivals as Living Labs for Systemic Innovation (Peter Joore & Aranka Dijkstra)
8. Next to my arm-chair, as we go northward, my bed comes into sight (Catelijne van Middelkoop)
9. Prototyping for the Unknown in an Emergent Living Lab: The Case of Civic Robots (Tomasz Jaśkiewicz & Iskander Smit)
10. The Open Lab as Boundary Object (Peter Troxler & Manon Mostert-Van der Sar)