Enter the Miniministry of the Future and meet our future generations. They will watch over you as you choose the path forward for the Netherlands. How will the Netherlands look in 02100?
What choices will you make, and what consequences do they have? Are you a Minister of the Future?
Meet your future
As candidate-minister you will meet your personal ally from a few generations down the line. Someone who will be born in the Netherlands around the year 02100. Who is it? What do they stand for?
Allow yourself time to get to know your future self, because once you set foot in the Miniministry of the Future, future generations will become part of you right now.
Decide on the faith of Dutch generations and become Minister of the Future
While future generations watch over your every move, you will have to make choices that affect millions of people. Which buttons do you press and what will be the consequence for the Netherlands in the year 02100?
The scenarios used in this project are based on the Ruimtelijke Verkenning 2023 by Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving.
College van Rijksadviseurs
World Design Embassies
Dutch Design Foundation
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
Verveeld � Verward
Hugo Nagtzaam
Interactive Matter