‘The table: sketching/making/together’ is a week-long programme about sketching. Hosted at the Technical University of Eindhoven and open to all, the programme consists of daily one hour workshops running from Monday to Friday at lunchtime (12H00 - 13H30).
Full programme @the_sketching_table
The table will be hosted as a communal space in the main hall of the Atlas building at TU/e. From Monday 23 to Friday 27 October workshops will be held from 12H00 - 13H30 and will be open to all interested in sketching. More info: @the_sketching_table (https://www.instagram.com/the_sketching_table/).
The main aim of the program is to explore different practices of sketching as a group. Hélène Aarts will guide participants through design drawing in relation to the visible environment. Elvia Vasconcelos will cover the foundations of sketchnoting, a specific form of sketching that is done live. Stefan de Bever will support participants in finding their own sketching line. Outside the public workshops, the table will also accommodate guest projects that explore ways of generating knowledge visually and collaboratively. This exploration is done through fermentation with Inês Neto dos Santos and through the recursive practice of recipe making with Yuxi Liu and Seda Özçetin
This week-long programme will include opening and closing events to reflect on the practices of sketching explored.