Embark on a journey with DesignThinkers & playback theatre practitioners. Explore a design-performance synergy while creatively challenging the 'empathy' buzzword. Join an enlightening keynote followed by an immersive experience merging story theatre and Design Thinking. Interact, immerse, discover.
Discover the world of Playback Theatre in the context of Design Thinking and innovation
Discover the essence of empathy beyond the buzz. In the realm of creativity and innovation, the significance of empathy often fades as projects mature. To address this, we will showcase how alternate approaches rooted in theatre principles, including performative methods like Playback Theatre, hold potential to infuse Design Thinking with new life and depths of understanding. In this session, we will first present a key-note that intends to introduce the Playback Theatre method, followed by a practical experience that showcases the method. We will present why we feel that similar performative approaches to innovation hold huge potential to enhance empathy and support change.
Immersive Playback Theater Performance
Following our key-note introduction, you are invited to step into an immersive world where stories take a central stage. Experience a unique Playback Theatre performance where stories are creatively brought to life using physical and improvised theatrical techniques. Through the medium of performance, something truly special is born in the deepening connections that emerge out of our shared stories. Join us in a spacious, welcoming venue that sets the stage for a captivating journey.
Unveiling Empathy’s Impact
As the curtain falls, a new chapter unfolds. Witness the transformative potential of performance, as showcased with Playback Theatre, to generate empathy that helps shape perspectives and fosters meaningful connections. Engage in a reflective debrief, as we explore the experience of empathy and the impact on both storytellers and the audience. Where might these methods enhance current and conventional approaches and how might we begin to integrate and experiment with their potential? These insights ripple beyond, with the profound potential to enrich empathy across diverse design thinking contexts and practices.