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(Archive) Psychological Safety workshop

Discover the key to high performing teams

This project was part of DDW 2023

In this workshop you will learn about the role and importance of Psychological Safety in team performance. By the end of the workshop, you will understand your own team dynamic better and you will learn what you can do to improve the collaboration and performance of your team and organization.

Live white-boarding session

What makes some teams great and some teams struggle? Some team collaborations are smooth, effective and high-performing. Contrastingly, some teams are energy draining, slow and ineffective. What is the cause of this, and how might we improve teams to become high-performing? These are questions that will be tackled in the workshop. The workshop is a live white-boarding session at the Cognizant office. Only a whiteboard and markers are used. No preparation is needed.

Theory and hands-on experience

Senior Service & Interaction Designer Magda van Dijk is the designer and facilitator of the Psychological Safety workshop. She has consulting and design experience in multiple large, international organizations. Next to her hands-on experience, she has built this workshop based on extensive relevant theory and resources including the acclaimed book The Culture Map by Erin Meyer and a Google study named Aristotle.

Workshop dates and times

Wednesday October 25th, 13:30-15:30 FULL
Friday October 27th, 11:00-13:00 FULL
Friday October 27th, 14:00-16:00 FULL

All sessions are fully booked, it is no longer possible to sign up.

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