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(Archive) The Sidequest Rave

Everyone has their own sound.

This project was part of DDW 2023
The Sidequest Rave

"The Sidequest Rave" is an interactive sound installation where differences and limitations lead to danceable musical outbursts. In this experience, the audience becomes the artists. Join in and celebrate diversity!

A musical adventure for everyone

"The Sidequest Rave" is a fusion of technology, music, and design, with the audience as the main subject. Visitors are invited to interact with three intuitively designed music machines. Even without musical experience, you can explore and create sounds and rhythms. With immediate feedback from each instrument, you learn as you go. And the best part? You don't just make music alone; you do it in harmony with others. Here, every interaction becomes a unique musical tale.

Limitation in creativity.

It's a paradox: creativity thrives within limitations. They seem to counteract each other, but in reality, it's often within these boundaries that real innovation and novelty emerge. This paradox, where limitations ignite the spark of creativity, is the driving force behind "The Sidequest Rave". The music machines, intuitively designed, are a testimony to this philosophy. Inspired by the simplicity and allure of arcade games, they invite exploration and experimentation. The interfaces avoid the overwhelming complexity of traditional instruments, encouraging even musical newcomers to find their creative voice. It's not just about the technology, but creating a human experience that celebrates playfulness, discovery, and unity.

From neurodiversity to creative harmony .

Jan-Willem Otto is an artist whose artistic approach has been nurtured by his unique youth. He grew up in a neurodiverse family where each child had its unique challenges. From an early age, they learned to live and understand one another. This gave Jan-Willem an intuitive skill and desire to connect various people, forming the foundation of his artistic approach.

From creating computer games to studies in electronic generative music, he's always sought ways to link technology, creativity, and humanity. His early experiences developing educational programs for neurodiverse youths and integrating art and technology in education for students with special needs taught him the power of creativity in forging connections. These journeys inspired 'The Sidequest Rave', an artwork where differences and limitations are not merely accepted but celebrated.

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Studio Wotto