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(Archive) Silk Surveys

A collection of 3 data-responsive scarves based on human stories.

This project was part of DDW 2023
Silk Surveys by Cypherloom — © Gianni Antonia, Diane Wallinger

“Silk Surveys” is Cypherloom’s first user-generative collection of fashion accessories. The scarves display a generative visual language made entirely out of geometric shapes – researching their ability to expressively communicate human identity with help of a data-responsive algorithm.

Towards a hyper-inclusive and hybrid design approach with help of data

“Silk Surveys” is a collection of 3 data-responsive scarves that communicate human identity. The scarves display a generative visual language, made entirely out of geometric shapes – researching their ability to expressively communicate human identity. By answering personal questions, the algorithm creates a unique silk scarf that resembles your data, which you can wear to share your story.

The collection is inspired by Bruno Munari's research towards the geometric shapes (Discovery of the Square, Circle and Triangle), where we explored the use of data visualisation for a more inclusive design approach – inspiring a deeper relationship between people and the objects they collect.

Silk Surveys is a collaboration between Gianni Antonia (graphic designer), Diane Wallinger (digital fashion designer), and Sara Orfali (xr developer).