Dommel Vibes: De Verdieping (Into the Depths) is a series of sessions under the auspices of social design studio Cocosmos with TU/e and Design Academy Eindhoven students, various experts and stakeholders, exploring the Dommel as an ecological zone and an integral part of urban developments.
Where there’s water, there’s a way
Under the auspices of social design studio Cocosmos, Dommel Vibes programme participants research urgent issues concerning water in the city. How can we incorporate more green areas and water in a growing city? Which contradictory interests do we need to resolve? How can we unify major diverging interests like the economy and climate, urban densification and quality of life, biodiversity and recreation? What role can the Dommel play here, now and in the future?
Issues that benefit a social design approach: they demand collaboration and innovative solutions from different perspectives. From residents, industry and the Water Board. The objective is to increase awareness and create support, facilitating the harmonious existence of contradictory wishes.
In-depth programme
Eindhoven municipality invites students, various experts and stakeholders to participate in an in-depth programme. In a series of sessions, expertly managed by social designers from Cocosmos, they collaborate on involving the Dommel in the urban environment. A component of the (Dutch-spoken) sessions is open to the public. Registration has closed.