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(Archive) Objects for Wellbeing

Enhancing individual health and happiness

This project was part of DDW 2023
Breathing Light — © A+N Studio

A+N Studio (Alissa+Nienke) have been creating signature walls and innovative surfaces since 2014.
Objects for Wellbeing is an overview of their newest products with which they continue their aim to design interior products that appeal to the senses and enhance individual health and happiness.

Breathing Light

Did you know we take 23.000 breaths a day? Mostly without focussing on it.
While taking control over your own breathing pace is a great tool towards relaxation and de-stressing.

Breathing Light introduces moving spots of light that replicate the gentle rhythm of breathing, aiming to stimulate viewers to breath along and reduce their stress level. While at the same time the movement and colour changes are based on natural phenomena, in line with the Attention Restoration Theory*. The project is developed in close collaboration with a behavioural psychologist and a light scientist.

Breathing Light is designed for SWVO (Samenwerkingsverband VO Waterland) and research and development prototypes were tested with two school communities in the Dutch city of Purmerend.
*The Attention Restoration Theory proposes that exposure to nature (or scenes of nature) can improve our focus & ability to concentrate.

Touch Me Please

Touch Me Please comes to life when you touch it. It is essentially an interactive installation that converts touch into sound. This appeals to three basic senses: the visual, auditory and tactile senses. The activation of those senses provides a moment of escape from everyday life, grounding, or even connecting with others in a different way.

This wool felt wall was developed in close collaboration with a behavioral psychologist, Philadelphia Zorg, and the residents of two residential care locations (Wateringen and Amsterdam), mainly elderly people with dementia, Down syndrome or on the spectrum of autism. Our goal is to decrease the anxiety of the residents when they are high in their emotions, through interaction with the wall.
With this research wall we are researching the effect of different textures, of which a sensor records when and where they are touched. In addition, interviews are held with residents and employees.

So far we see that people’s posture relaxes, they smile more and that it promotes communication between residents and care staff. The research is still ongoing, and we are working towards a further development.


Metamorphosis is a custom made room divider that’s sensitive to air flow. Consisting of thousands of individual shapes, the geometric surface transforms into an organic structure when it moves. Metamorphosis is poetic and refined, enriching the everyday environment.
It activates, triggers your senses and stimulates concentration and focus, inspired by the Attention Restoration Theory*.

The screen is double sided, and made of steel strings and components with Japanese laminated shoji paper shapes. The possibilities in size, shape and patterns that can be made are endless.

*The Attention Restoration Theory proposes that exposure to nature (or scenes of nature) can improve our focus & ability to concentrate.

Breathing Light — © A+N Studio

Metamorphosis — © A+N

Metamorphosis — © A+N

Touch Me Please

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