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Dutch Design Awards 2023

(Archive) Omlab

This project was part of DDW 2023


Omlab introduces 3D printed swallow’s nests that last a few years: prefab starter homes for house and barn
swallows, made using circular and bio-based raw materials. Without (wood)concrete, glue or nails, so that no
waste ends up in the natural environment. The goal is self-construction: the swallow is a true do-it-yourselfer if

people don’t get in the way. These temporary nests are intended to be used in areas that have undergone large-
scale development or where nature-inclusive management is just getting started. At a certain point, the swallows

will find sources of food and water the area. The birds then mix their own mortar for the construction of the next
nest, in bio-plastic housing for example. Meanwhile, the calcium-rich starter homes break down and enrich the soil.

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Dutch Design Awards 2023

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Dutch Design Awards 2023