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(Archive) Class of 23

This project was part of DDW 2023
ReferenceClassof2021 — © Cleo Goossens

The group exhibition in which both Dutch as international academies present a selection of graduation projects coming from various disciplines.

The 3rd edition of Dutch Design Week's 'Class of' exhibition

Class of 23 is a group exhibition presenting graduation projects from various Dutch and international academies within design related courses as a whole. The exhibition's goal is to emphasise the importance of education and to give the next generation of designers centre stage to a bigger audience.

Participating academies are:

1. St. Joost
2. Willem de Kooning academy
3. Royal Academy of Art The Hague
4. University of the Arts Utrecht
5. Fontys Academy of The Arts - ArtCoDe
6. Artemis Academy
7. Avans university of applied sciences (Master Institute of Visual Cultures)
8. Vilnius Academy of Arts
9. École Camondo
10. ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne
11. Gerrit Rietveld Academy

Avenue of Fresh Perspectives

During the Class of 23 exhibition as a whole, each academy will present a specific project this year of which they believe reflects well on the current zeitgeist. Together these projects form the 'Avenue of Fresh Perspectives' and offer an overview of the various themes that the newest generation of makers consider important in relation to the current times we live in. These projects will be presented at the front of each academies overall presentation.

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