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(Archive) Heel de Wereldboom

The World Tree in Greendomain Wasven as a symbol of community building.

This project was part of DDW 2023
Wereldboom kroon

Our World Tree has been burned. Het Wasven tries to preserve the monumental tree for future generations. The rescue is formed by a plaited tribe and bypass in the crown. The activities can be followed during DDW. Visitors can participate by making their own work from the prunings.

Tree with a podium

The volunteers of Wasven are committed to preserving their own living environment. Working together in nature creates synergy between the green and social domains. We are responsible for it and we are part of it. This is also reflected in “De Gevlekte Zuiderling”, a monumental plane tree in the green heart of the estate forest. The plane tree was crowned in 2009 as the first World Tree in the Netherlands. A tree that can live to be 1000 years old. Which means a lot to the community. A tree with a podium that protects the roots. Also as a podium for events, weddings and gatherings. A podium that has become fatal to the plane tree. Last year the podium and part of the tree burned down. The Wasven organizes actions to save the tree.

Plaited tribe offers support

Together with the municipality of Eindhoven and the WorldTree foundation, measures are being taken to safeguard the tree. Volunteers set up a crowdfunding campaign, reactions are pouring in. An international survey by veteran tree experts points the way to preserve the World Tree. New shoots grow at the base of the tribe. These will grow into a braided trunk that will embrace the old tree. The plaited tribe gives the tree something to hold onto and connects the community. The crown of the tree is secured by pruning and anchoring. By means of a bypass, the crown will live on and be anchored in the future. The bypass has been designed by tree experts in collaboration with local designers.

Crown on our work

The plaited tribe grows, as does the community. A second crowdfunding makes the bypass possible. The bypass along the trunk has recently been realized. Saving the crown takes shape during DDW by pruning the monumental branches, anchoring them and extending the bypass. The work in progress can be followed on site. Residents, artists and designers are asked to keep the tree alive and to connect it permanently with the community. The prunings are made available. Everyone can take a part of the World Tree to make their own work. The results and the story behind them will be bundled and presented later. Visitors are invited, together with the volunteers, to process the remaining prunings into branches with which we strengthen the green heart of the Wasven.

Wereldboom jonge scheuten

Wereldboom bypass

Wereldboom vlechtstam

Visitor mode