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(Archive) Fostering Wellbeing Through Local Food Ecosystems

Biotope Brainport Consortium

This project was part of DDW 2023

The challenge: one day in October, during DDW, feed 10,000 mouths with a meal made of healthy, regional ingredients that contribute to biodiversity.


The bigger goal: grow into a regional self-sufficient nature-inclusive ecosystem. In the current project phase, we are unraveling the chain, including the chain of the chain, from soil fungi and crop to nutrients and gut bacteria. Because this is just the beginning; an exploration of what we are up against in the short term, positively and negatively, in order to scale up the project in the near future.

Organic and regenerative farmers and a food forest have been approached within a 15 kilometer radius of Eindhoven's Catharina Church. Together they provide the necessary 4,500 kilos of ingredients, to inspire people within Catharina Hospital, among others, with this Biotope Brainport meal. The milestone will be supported by a presentation at Kazerne.

Biotope Brainport is a call for action for new alliances between experts and omthinkers, including scientists, farmers, designers, suppliers and buyers. To activate a hopeful movement together.

FEATURING Anton François, Annemoon Geurts, Charlotte Grün, Stan Kerkhofs, Marius Monen, Jessica Peters

THANKS Avans Hogeschool, Joep Brekelmans (Vaderland) Catharinaziekenhuis, Design Academy Eindhoven, De Dobbelhoeve, Stichting Eten+ Welzijn, Giovanni Gabana (Kazerne), Marcella Homsma, Kazerne Foundation, François Hospitality Services, Hanne Hoeve, coöperatie Kloostersland, De Kraanvogel, Lekker’nei, Anne van Lieshout, Dick Middelweerd (De Treeswijkhoeve), Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, Hanneke van den Nieuwenhof, Rabobank, Rijkswaterstaat, Van Rijsingen Fresh Service, Schuurmans, Mannus Smit (Appèl Catering), Studio OOK, TU/e, Tuin de Es, Pim Weterings (Zarzo), Eric-Jan Wissink (De Smaakman)