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Art Tech Fun AI Robots eGirls Manifestations

(Archive) De Frontlinie

This project was part of DDW 2023

By asking straightforward yes-or-no questions, an attempt is made to promote depolarization, shed new light on the recent protest actions in museums, and provide more insight into these issues.

The Frontline

Our society is polarizing. You're either for the soup throwers or against them. But is that standpoint really based on your true opinion? If, instead of shouting loudly, we were to ask ourselves a series of questions, we might appeal to our common sense. Would we still stand diametrically opposed to each other? This meters-long canvas helps us get closer and 'depolarize.' By questioning ourselves, we come to the conclusion that we're all in the same boat. And this boat, with art on board, is about to sink in a partially submerged Netherlands.

The Soup Throwers

Intrigued, I was drawn into the protests surrounding museums and activists who began hurling soup and other substances. The soup throwers stirred something within me as a creator because why did it touch me and so many others so deeply? In the 'Frontline' project, I aim to make you realize that we should all truly listen to these soup throwers and protect our beautiful Netherlands. Through simple yes-or-no questions, I seek to promote depolarization around recent museum protest actions and provide deeper insights into these issues. If we genuinely heed the soup throwers, we prevent art from truly disappearing. Then, a glass plate with a bit of soup isn't actually that bad.

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Art Tech Fun AI Robots eGirls Manifestations

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