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Embassy of Health

(Archive) Toekomst van het lichaam - Future of the body

What will our bodies look like in the future? What choices will we have to make?

This project was part of DDW 2023
Future of the body — © STT

The Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT) maps future scenarios around the development of the body. Part of the project was a design competition.

Design competition

There is a lot at stake for the future of the body. We will soon be able to place animal organs into people and choose what we look like. The healthcare system is under pressure due to shortages and an aging population.

With our design competition, artists and designers showed their vision of the body of the future. How do we shape our identity? What do we find acceptable and what is not? Will our lives and bodies soon become more beautiful? The design competition is part of the future exploration Future of the Body, in which various scenarios are developed.

The winner of the design competition is the young designer Stefan Boerkamp. His design METACARPUS is about the adaptation of our body - to be exactly what our hands may look like in the distant future: mechanical, coarse or full of sensors. His work is part of the exhibition at the Embassy of Health.

The publication Future of the Body will be launched on October 27 during the Health Day at Dutch Design Week.

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Future of the body — © STT

METACARPUS by Stefan Boerkamp — © Stefan Boerkamp

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Embassy of Health

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Embassy of Health