It's strange, isn't it, that Dutch juvenile delinquents often find the return to the outside world more challenging than going in?
Pilots to close the gap between inside and outside
Many of the juveniles who are released from detention in Rotterdam are at risk ending up in prison again. To think that their process of integrating back into society will be smooth sailing is naive. To push for change, we’ve set out to reinvent re-entry from within the system by understanding those that are affected by it and working together.
Nobody doubts the importance of current policies, offered services and attention for this group to help them re-enter - but unfortunately it doesn’t play out like intended. Our key insight is that the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ are not connected: juveniles ‘inside’ jail are not yet thinking about the ‘outside’ world and people and organizations that play an important role ‘inside’ helping them prepare re-entry are different from those ‘outside’ with aftercare. The LOBBY is a symbolic place between in and outside. We are testing eight pilots: From a network map with places you can go to a pop-up barbershop where informal talks about outside life can be held while getting a haircut.