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Embassy of Health

(Archive) Smoke-free Living for All

Initiating a conversation about health inequalities and smoke-free living.

This project was part of DDW 2023
In conversation — © Muzus

Everyone has the right to a long and happy life, but not everyone has equal opportunities. Smoking is one of the leading causes of health inequalities. With this project we explore how we can create a smoke-free future, by including people in the conversation about smoking.

Health disparities in society

Everyone in the Netherlands has the right to live a long and happy life. But not everyone has the same opportunity to do so. Large disparities in health and the way health are interconnected with other aspects of our lives and society make this an important and complex challenge.

The impact of smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of health inequalities. Although more and more people are quitting smoking, unfortunately there is still a very large group that does not. Together with the GGD, local professionals from the healthcare and social sector, Muzus and Pharos co-create with inhabitants. This method is being applied in 45 neighborhoods across the Netherlands.

Starting the conversation about smoking

The Praatpeuk serves as a catalyst for conversations about the meaning of smoking and a smoke-free life. These insights play a part in developing proper support for people to quit smoking.

In conversation — © Muzus

Praatpeuk — © Muzus

In conversation — © Muzus

Andere deelnemers

Embassy of Health

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Embassy of Health