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The Creative Transformation of Government

Demosphere Exposition 2024 — © Provincie Zuid-Holland

Demosphere showcases the potential for imagination, co-creation and immersive experiences in policymaking. Envisioned by young government officials, the exposition lets visitors engage with thematic lenses that showcase a near-future government that is responsive and aligned with societal needs.

Creative Government

The Demosphere project envisions a future where creativity is at the heart of government transformation. Young civil servants collaborate to reimagine how policies are designed and implemented, emphasizing the role of design thinking in fostering a dynamic and responsive government. This creative approach positions every civil servant as a potential designer and every designer as an architect of policy, redefining traditional governance structures.

Thematic Lenses

At the core of the Demosphere exhibition are thematic lenses, visualized as light-emitting portals into the near future. Each lens highlights a specific area of government transformation, from the circular economy to healhtcare and education, showcasing how platform technology can empower rapid decision-making and responsive policy development. These lenses invite visitors to explore and co-create future scenarios for public governance.

Participation Portal

The Demosphere exhibition offers an interactive digital participation portal, allowing Dutch Design Week visitors to engage directly with the themes presented. Through this portal, participants can contribute ideas, vote on policy prototypes, and collaborate in shaping a government that reflects the collective creativity of its citizens. This co-creation process aims to connect the public, designers, and policymakers in a shared vision for the future.

About Scape Agency

Demosphere is an initiative by FUTUR Jonge Ambtenarennetwerk and Scape Agency. During 2024, the project has been kindly supported by: Provincie Zuid-Holland, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, A&O Fonds Gemeenten, Jonge Ambtenarendag en the iBestuur Congres.