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Tools of Rekindling

Tools of Rekindling — © Benedetta Pompili

‘Tools of Rekindling’ groups together designers and ceramists whose work centres on the act of harvesting, reframed not only as a method of extraction, but as a form of activism that seeks to redefine our relationship with local environments.

The exhibition

Curated by Elena Genesio and Emmie Massias, the exhibition uncovers the ethical dilemmas surrounding the mining of natural resources and the complexities of land ownership in globalised economies.

Through a series of diverse installations, the exhibition unfolds how designers engage with natural resources at the intersection of humanity and territory — whether by exploring local craftsmanship, innovative material reuse, or critical reflections on processes of extraction and depletion.

It reveals how soil, often overlooked yet foundational to our societies and geopolitics, brings to light complex socio-political and environmental challenges, from water scarcity and soil erosion to their impacts on economic and industrial development.

Each project within the exhibition emphasises a distinct material, carrying with it a unique history and a set of environmental and cultural narratives tied to a locality. These installations offer a multi-faceted toolkit of approaches, urging us to reconsider how our understanding of the environment has been historically shaped and how it must evolve beyond anthropocentric perspectives.

Ultimately, Tools of Rekindling invites us to envision a future where our connection to soil is defined not by exploitation, but by resilience, collective engagement, and adaptation to the cycles of our ever-evolving landscapes.

About Emmie Massias and Elena Genesio

Clay Archives is an ongoing research initiative by Emmie Massias and Elena Genesio focusing on clay as a lens to reflect on the geopolitical and territorial agency of soil.

Through field investigations and a hands-on approach, Clay Archives seeks to examine the socio-political forces affecting water scarcity and soil depletion across varying geographical areas.