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Edible Wishes

Write your sustainable wish on edible paper and be part of the unique, biodegradable tear-off Candy Converter calendar 2024/2025!

Candy Converters — © Ida van Esch

Candy Converters invites all DDW visitors to put their sustainable wish on edible paper! Together we create a unique annual calendar, written with edible ink. These biodegradable calendars are made and distributed in de Kazerne. Every bite in 2024 is a step towards a more sustainable 2025.

Candy Converters

Candy Converters' mission is to fight plastic waste being created during festivals, parties and events. We do this by offering the best alternative to plastic confetti: Conscious Confetti. This unique confetti is made from residual waste paper (potato starch) and is harmless to humans, animals and the environment. The aim is to conduct business as responsibly as possible. This is not only reflected in the raw material, the product and the waste stream, but also in the packaging used and the partners with whom we collaborate. The ultimate goal is to produce 60,000 kilos of confetti within a year and thus prevent 60,000 kilos of microplastics from ending up in the environment. People will continue to celebrate, so let's do it right!

Clean Party

Parties create a feeling of love and solidarity, provide enormous pleasure and beautiful memories. A party includes delicious food and beautiful decorations such as streamers, balloons and confetti. Conscious Confetti is in line with age-old and new festive traditions and is an addition to (and necessary innovation in) the market.
The user assumes that (newspaper) paper confetti is the correct alternative to plastic confetti. But unfortunately: this confetti takes six months to break down in soil or water, clogs sewers, is coloured with ink, is often treated with harmful fire retardants and often has a shiny plastic coating made from leftover plastic from luxury covers. The sustainable alternatives such as leaf or flower confetti or confetti made from corn starch are very labor intensive and/or expensive. The sustainable alternatives to rice paper are made from virgin materials and travel a long way across the ocean to reach the Dutch market. So time for a change!


There is no competition. Conscious Confetti is unique. It breaks down quickly and does not clog the sewers, is colored with natural dyes and EU-approved food dyes, is fireproof and untreated, has no plastic coating, is not labor intensive in large-scale production, is made from residual flows from the food industry, comes from the Netherlands and is therefore produced, processed and packaged locally.
Collaboration with the producer, waste destruction companies, sheltered workshops, major users such as carnival associations and (local) authorities is necessary to give everyone access to this fantastic product.
Together we can create the world of tomorrow. And that's what we're going to do. Let's convince all stakeholders of this by handing them a 52-week calendar full of wishes for a more sustainable world. They will have a year, until the next DDW, to eat through these wishes and take a step towards a more sustainable 2025.
No waste, do party!

About Ida van Esch

Candy Converters is a social enterprise whose mission is to fight plastic waste created during festivals, parties and events. We do this by offering the best alternative to plastic confetti: Conscious Confetti. This unique confetti is made from residueflows of waferpaper (potato starch) and is harmless to humans, animals and the environment.

Calendar Front — © Ida van Esch

Calendar Side — © Ida van Esch

Shoes in confetti — © Rafael Bergman