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Werk in een veranderende samenleving

What will your work life look like in the future?

Hoe ziet jouw werkende leven er in de toekomst uit — © Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid

How will we work in the future? With the help of design agencies Komovo and Futurall, The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has created this exhibition to find out. Through this public dialogue, we aim to gather insights that will shape the policies for the Netherlands.

The certainty of change

During this exhibition, we invitevisitors to think about the future of their working lives. Do you prefer flexibility or stability? What is the role of contracts, job security, job satisfaction and time for caring for loved ones or volunteering? How will people's jobs change and how will their working conditions be safeguarded and their interests represented? Who will provide a safety net in the future if things do go wrong? One thing is certain. We are guaranteed to be uncertain in our working lives: how do we deal with this and what do people expect from the government?

Public dialogue for future-facing policies

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment emphasizes collaborating with the citizens their policies are intended for. This is important particularly when it comes to work, which affects nearly everyone in society. Through methods such as participation and exhibitions (such as this one at Dutch Design Week), we are learning from people's thoughts and feelings regarding the future of work. By being future-oriented, the ministry strives to make the future more imaginable and develop policies that contribute to a sustainable and desirable future. People’s needs and living environment are at the heart of this.

Linking with the creative industry

Creative professionals, such as designers, excel at making complexity tangible and synthesizing many diverse perspectives. These approaches are essential to address the complex social issues that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment deals with. The Ministry's Innovation Team encourages collaboration between the creative industry and the Ministry so that policymakers can also adopt the mindset and methods from the design field.

About Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment works to ensure fair, healthy and safe working conditions in the Netherlands. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate and develop themselves. We want people to be able to shape their own future. When things get tough, we provide a safety net and an income for those who retire. This is only possible in a country where people care for one another.