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Kiki & Joost proudly open to the public their newly built Exhibition Space, celebrating creativity and innovative craftsmanship.

Kiki & Joost's new exhibition space

For Dutch Design Week, Kiki & Joost present their new Exhibition Space with a show titled ‘Carte Blanche.’ This unique setting highlights their work and studio experiments, embracing an intuitive and experimental approach that fosters creativity, collaboration, and community engagement.

A platform for creative freedom and evolving design experiments.

DDW will host the international debut of Kiki & Joost’s new Exhibition Space—a long-held dream realized with an exhibition titled Carte Blanche. This new building fosters an expansive working practice, offering a unique setting for showcasing their work and studio experiments. Designed to provide complete creative freedom, it stands as a testament to their dedication to intuition and experimentation, highlighting their projects in their most authentic form.
For Carte Blanche, Kiki van Eijk will unveil her latest creation, Sprout, which explores the dynamic interaction between ceramics and handblown glass, inspired by the vibrant energy of spring. Joost will reveal Intentional Coincidence, a series of sculptural objects that convert flat surfaces into 3D forms. Both Kiki and Joost will also showcase their new collaborations with WEEEF.
The exhibition space embraces a free form approach, where exhibitions and events can change frequently. The building also serves as a storage facility, offering public access to a curated collection and hosting workshops, lectures, and community-focused events—reflecting Kiki and Joost’s commitment to collaboration.

About Kiki and Joost

Kiki and Joost work individually and jointly putting creativity at the heart of it all, from what they do, to how they do it. Their workshop is a massive space dedicated to the production of unique pieces in a practice that allows space for intuition and instinct. Regardless of the scale, handmade and human touch remains at the heart of their process reinforcing a physical approach to contemporary design. They run Studio Thinking Hands, a core studio within Design Academy Eindhoven’s BA program.

Sprout - Kiki van Eijk

Kiki & Joost's new exhibition space interior

Sprout - Kiki van Eijk

Kiki & Joost's new exhibition space interior