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Future Botanica

Creating and questioning new nature together

Nature, with all its plants, life forms and ecologies, changes constantly. To the most drastic shifts in ecosystems, which today are mainly caused by human intervention, it adapts wherever possible.

Yet what we call nature today is mostly an expression of what we humans think nature is or should be. For instance, nature is often managed or even designed to serve us. But naturally, there are plenty of other ways to understand nature. How do you see nature and our relationship with it? And how might nature continue to evolve in different ways, perhaps even digitally?

Future Botanica is the brand-new interactive work by artistscollective Polymorph that encourages thinking about future nature. Through an app on your phone, you can, together with other people and an AI, create new plants, creatures and ecologies based on a variety of future scenarios. Download the app and become a digital gardener and ‘future botanist’.
But be careful. Natural evolution is a fragile process, with everything connected to everything else.

Future Botanica comes to life for the first time this autumn at MU Hybrid Art House (19 October till 10 November) and at IDFA Doclab (13 till 24 November)

About MU Hybrid Art House

MU is a house for hybrid art, for visual and narrative perspectives by artists and designers on the world of today and tomorrow. MU is a Hybrid Art House. Everything we do starts from inter- and trans-disciplinary thinking. For 25 years, research, experimentation and an open mindset have been paramount at MU, both in our programming and partnerships and in the way we involve the public in our projects. Working together, colouring outside the lines and co-creating is in our DNA.