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Class of 24

Relations of Care

Transformative proposals for a better world

IED Istituto Europeo di Design

IED brings for the first time to DDW a collection of projects reflecting an interdisciplinary approach to design, understanding the complexity of the world we live in, and design as a platform that can transform the world by taking care of it in every dimension and at every scale of life.

What does care mean today?

In an ever-changing world, society often finds itself bewildered and dazed by all that is happening. Ethical design has the fundamental importance of not only developing functional objects, but also caring for living beings in the broadest sense of the term. Without barriers, distinctions, and hierarchies, IED chose to exhibit projects that could tell the story of how the new generations relate to each other and towards the planet, with the ultimate aim of creating a better world for all.
How to connect, interact, and gather in the public space? Which practices can foster a healthy lifestyle while contributing to oceans' well-being? What teaching tools could be designed to make physics comprehensible and fun for young students? These are some of the initial questions of the projects showcased.

About IED Istituto Europeo di Design

IED Istituto Europeo di Design is the largest Higher Education Network in the creative field to have maintained a global outlook and a deeply Italian cultural matrix, since 1966. An international group with a proudly local outlook and 11 campuses in 3 countries, Italy, Spain and Brazil.

IED Istituto Europeo di Design

IED Istituto Europeo di Design

IED Istituto Europeo di Design