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Interwoven: LUCA meets LUCA


Beyond the Wonderment: the unseen value of material.

Time-Made, 2024 — © Anouk Ostyn

I want to give wool the recognition it deserves by embracing its diversity in colours, textures, and characteristics. During the slow making-process, a space is created where time allows for mutual learning and fostering a relationship of care between maker and material.


Wool has the property of being connective: between people, techniques, stories, histories, and the future. It is a medium that can bring something into being, which makes it all the more relevant.
The relationship between humans and material is necessary; we must cherish it and continuously rediscover it. The attention, care, and appreciation for this material are, for me, no longer just a personal alliance, but a way to connect more broadly with the world around me.

About Anouk Ostyn

Anouk Ostyn is freshly graduated student in the Master Textile Design at LUCA School of Arts, Ghent. Her works combine material research with art, design and social craftsmanship.
Time-Made, 2024 — © Anouk Ostyn