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Embassy of Health

Samen Drempels Over

Campaign Samen Drempels Over — © Tomas Mutsaers

Samen Drempels Over (together over thresholds), an initiative of VC Huizen and DIG, supports elderly people and volunteers in (re)activating their network to enhance reciprocity in society.

How can we increase reciprocity in society?

Older people experience physical and mental problems when their social network shrinks to only people who care for them. Carers cannot bear this demand alone, and informal carers are overburdened - and this will only get worse in the future.

Both older adults and society often have impeding prejudices and barriers, which hamper the increase of the social network of older people. A new kind of volunteer is needed to help (re)activate networks temporarily to increase reciprocity in society. What can you do now for an elderly person in your community? And what can this elderly person do for you?

Vrijwilligerscentrale Huizen (Volunteer centre Huizen)

Vrijwilligerscentrale Huizen (VCH) enriches Huizen with a broad and strong local infrastructure. This enables everyone to participate to the best of their ability and stimulates social participation in society. VCH is the expertise centre for voluntary commitment, volunteer and civic initiatives and related social projects. Together with partners, innovative solutions are created. By signalling, advising, connecting, mediating, coordinating and supporting, the centre responds decisively and flexibly to current local social developments.

About Design Innovation Group (DIG)

DIG is a strategy design studio focused on social impact. We are known for developing creative solutions to complex societal topics with multiple stakeholders. We work with governments, (international) NGOs and companies that seek new business models and future opportunities.