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Class of 24

On the Move - University of Applied Arts Vienna

Selected student projects from the Industrial Design class of Stefan Diez on the theme of "On The Move".

O-EQUIP- TCTL by Leon Hofenauer — © Lukas Hof

Students of the Industrial Design class set out to rethink the experience of travel. By challenging the way of traveling that is often perceived as exhausting and restless, they aim to transform it into something more meaningful and sustainable.

"On The Move"

While the fleeting act of arrival is often regarded as an act of fulfillment, the notion of being on the move mainly contains connotations of exhaustion and restlessness. But shouldn’t the journey be its own reward?
As part of their semester project, the Industrial Design class addressed the question of how the sense of relief associated with arrival can also be integrated into the act of being on the move. To this end, students departed last March for places of their own choice before undertaking an experimental five-day journey back to Vienna: using just their muscles, floating on the water, downhill, electrically powered, or by public transport – they only renounced cars and planes.
At the Dutch Design Week, 16 of these travel experiences are now presented. Bon voyage!

Curated by professor Stefan Diez

The exhibition was produced by students and staff of the Industrial Design class with the participation of the Munich photographer and illustrator Martin Fengel.

Projects by:

Elen Abrahamyan
Valentin Bauer
Emil Baumann
Wilhelm Berbig
Lenz Dreher
Lorenz Eckl
Pauline Falkensteiner
Tina GrĂĽll
Leon Hofenauer
Carla Kaufmann
Rina Kravchenko
Charlotte Lampe
Mathias Leberbauer
Johanna SchloĂźer
Carl Seegers
Flora Sommer
Jakob Stötzler
Valentina Sturn

About Industrial Design University of Applied Arts Vienna

The University of Applied Arts Vienna stands for an aesthetics of change, combining the arts with the design disciplines and the scientific disciplines.
The Department of Industrial Design is headed by Professor Stefan Diez.

AlpineChess by Rina Kravchenko — © Erfan Khosravi

Bangerl by Mathias Leberbauer — © Fotowerkstatt Angewandte

Flussabwärts by Johanna Schloßer — © Louisa Papabitis-Tsianakas