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gnoS neriS

View of the installation gnoS neriS - outside — © Jonas Sjøvaag

The work features a sound installation made of microtonally tuned steel rods, activated by solenoids and controlled by radar sensors. The installation serves as a commentary on artificial intelligence, emphasizing the necessity of human consciousness in our interactions with digital tools.

The rods were made from SuperDuplex steel tubing frequently used in the Norwegian offshore industry. They were salvaged from a warehouse, where they were kept after being discarded from production usage. The rest of the piece is made from oak, valchromat, rubber bands and an Arduino board.

The piece is a collaboration between Jonas Sjøvaag and engineering student Luis Fernando Jack, both (both University of Agder). As such it seems reasonable to mention that it was created entirely without the use of AI.

Officially presented by MKR-Days Eindhoven - 2024 edition.

This work was, and is, showcased with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

About Jonas Sjøvaag

Jonas H. Sjøvaag is a drummer, composer, artist and graphical designer, currently employed as a PhD fellow at University of Agder.