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DesignUnited.Expo Changing Gears

Do you see what i see

Interactive light installation of neighbourhood data

Nas Hosen

The artefact invites you to tangibly experience the variation of perspectives between stakeholder groups and their influences on the neighbourhood.

Background - which neighbourhood?

The research was initially conducted in Amsterdam Zuidoost. The artist then applied insights from this research to their own neighbourhood, Lombok, Utrecht, which inspired this imaginative neighbourhood diorama.

Data Physicalization - which data?

The diorama represents ten neighbourhood heritage attributes, including story/memory, identity, collectivity, activity, appearance, comfort, spatial aspects, infrastructure, location, and objects (ranging from intangible to tangible).

The quantitative data representing different perspectives from stakeholders are depicted through varying light luminance and their respective spots of the diorama. For example, the identity attribute of Lombok, diversity, is translated as church and mosque co-existing in the same neighbourhood. The appearance attribute is translated as beautiful Dutch houses. The collectivity is translated as neighbours hanging out with each other.

About Kuangyi Xing

Kuangyi is an multidisciplinary designer, working in the intersection of play, social inclusion, and data.

Through creating immersive experience with digital media, sculpture and interactive installation, their design often present different perspectives, challenge preconceptions and stereotypes.

Nas Hosen

Nas Hosen

Nas Hosen

Nas Hosen
