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Hanging out with foam

Exploring a new friendship with LED

The Crossroads — © Anke Jongejan

Hanging out with Foam is a series of soft wall sculptures made with found and thrifted materials, like textiles and foam. The special edition on display in the Fashion Tech Farm explores the incorporation of (LED) light into the material conversation.

The meeting of materials

The original ‘Hanging out with Foam’ series are assemblages, composed out of various discarded materials, that are collected over time by the artist. The artworks are like a meeting place, with a conversation between textures, colours and origins.

This ‘conversation’ is also at the heart of the process of creation where one piece or element seems to invite another in a continual dialogue between the artist and the materials at hand.

There are absolute favorites that open up endless possible conversations: foam (discarded matrasses, cushions and filling) and textiles (prints, garments, scraps) but also building materials (like tube and netting) have to be dragged home.

This new series is an exploration into LED light as an additional partner in the creative process. LED has a character of its own and use in each piece has its own technical demands (length, volts, watts, connections).

Creating the pieces allowed for new (technical) skills and a growing intimacy with LED as a material: these are sketches of the start of a new relationship.

About Anke Jongejan

Working with discarded textiles and building materials Anke explores the conversation between the artist and the materials at hand. The collaborative nature of the process of creation and the ‘meeting of materials’ also inspire her work as lecturer and researcher at HKU.

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