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Too Close to See

A performative installation by artist-duo No Dog.

Eyes and cameras work the same way. — © Boye Leborg

This duration-piece will be showcased during the evening programme of SENSES on October 19th & 20th at United Cowboys from 20:00 - 22:00. Come and go as you please.

Unreality of Perception

Loosely based on the idea of ‘an eye-test’, this performance aims to capture the fleeting moment between sensation and perception; the process that transforms seeing into believing. Using a camera obscura and analogue projection techniques, the live performance balances delicately between the image and the imagination. By so doing, it gives room to experience how stories are formed and the role perception plays in shaping our realities.

About No Dog

No Dog is a newly-formed artistic duo by interdisciplinary artists Boye Leborg and Rients Willy Dijkstra. Boye and Rients graduated together from the Design Academy Eindhoven and are currently based between Oslo and Haarlem.

See @nodogtoday for more.
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