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(Archive) OCRAGELA : Red Ochre and a Wise Man

A contemporary material which is biodegradable and made out of only natural ingredients.

This project was part of DDW 2020

Ochre, gelatin, glycerin, and water. With these four natural substances, Soowon Chae has developed a contemporary material, called Ocragela, which is sustainable and biodegradable.

With red ochre, early human beings had dragged out various functions for a natural coloring agent, curing wounds, tanning leathers, and protecting their skins from the sun. So, I not only use ochre as a coloring agent, but also as a tribute to the curiosi

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Ocragela_Melted leftovers

Ocragela : Anima series ver.2 '01. Chair'

Ocragela : Anima series ver.2 '03. Stool'