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Dutch Design Awards 2020

(Archive) RETREAT

A project about finding new ritualistic ways to preserve the landscape.

This project was part of DDW 2020
Steinglacier, Switzerland, 2018

As the impact of climate change is accelerating, we are confronted with how deeply our identity is intertwined with the landscape. Imminent drastic alterations to the way we live cause profound feelings of unease, sadness, and detachment.

Losing land to sea, losing ice to the sun, losing animals to history — how do we deal with this new notion of ecological grief? How can we understand that which we are losing, when the loss goes unnoticed?

With 2 laptops, a tablet, a 3D scanner and a

Scanning glacial ice structures

3D printed models at Dutch Invertuals – Take Away

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Dutch Design Awards 2020

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Dutch Design Awards 2020