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Graduation Show - Activity

(Archive) The Devil and his Lettuce

With careful nurturing, The Devil and his Lettuce may yet flourish and blossom into something beneficial and positive.

This project was part of DDW 2020
Iris Rijskamp

The Devil’s Lettuce is a free-format handbook that takes you on a mind-expanding trip through the life and times of cannabis. Allowing you to release yourself from misconceptions and fake news about a widely misunderstood plant, medicine, textile fibre and religious sacrament.

Cannabis is one of the world’s oldest cultivated crops. It has powered much modern development, brought healing and recreation, and been used heavily as a religious and spiritual aid.

The history of cannabis has, for the most part, been mellow and ca

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Hattie Parker

Hattie Parker

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Graduation Show - Activity

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Graduation Show - Activity