The project
focuses on the utilization of carpentry waste, and motivated by the ambition to reduce wood
waste and utilize it to create desirable objects.
No more waste materials
Over the years I acquired knowledge and skills in woodwork production and handicrafts, and decided to study design and connect it to my background in
carpentry. This is the starting point for the project, which involves my personal story. The project
focuses on the utilization of carpentry waste, and motivated by the ambition to reduce wood
waste and utilize it to create desirable objects.
I walked around our carpentry shop, studying work methods and production lines, and noticed
that the waste left after production includes not only wood but many other materials. I found that
We throw away a significant amount of sandpaper, which is not recycled material. As materials
for my project I chose waste materials that have potential for efficient reuse such as sandpaper,
wood scraps, and adhesives that we use in the carpentry shop. Without the use of additional
external materials, I decided to design furniture and connect it to our existing production lines, or
create a new line dedicated to the use of waste materials. Apart from the products of the design line and the aesthetic language, I also developed a new work method and my own unique raw material.