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(Archive) Artificial Womb | Breathing manikins

Discover the Artifical womb and share your vision on ethics and design. Visit our exposition and discover why this is not science fiction!

This project was part of DDW 2021
Artificial womb simulates mothers womb — © tu eindhoven

Every year, 800.000 babies are born extremely preterm (<28 weeks of age) worldwide. The Artificial womb project aims to develop a novel, alternative environment, more similar to the mother’s womb.

Premature birth affects approximately 1 in 10 babies worldwide

Pretermn Infants born between 24 and 35 weeks are currently transferred to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), to support their heart and lung development. For extremely premature infants (<28 weeks), however, exposure to air is very harsh on their organs and may lead to long-term cardiac, neurological and metabolic problems or complications in breathing. Despite advances in medicine and technology, current care in the NICU is a far from optimal substitute for the protective environment of the natural maternal womb.

Perinatal Life Support | Artificial womb

The perinatal life support (PLS) project researchers are working on a solution for this by designing a new environment for premature babies similar to that of the maternal womb. In the PLS solution, a baby is transferred to a new environment, called a perinatal life support system, to ease the transition to newborn life. In this “artificial womb”, the infant would be provided with a supply of oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord and an artificial placenta. This environment allows organs to mature and develop more naturally.

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3d geprinte babies op basis van mri beelden — © Juliette van Haaren