50% off! Special offers, coupons and candy bars at the checkout line.
Smart techniques that often influence us to add unhealthy items to our shopping cart. Project Goedgrutter is encouraging supermarkets to set an example and use these techniques helping consumers make healthier choices.
From grocery store to supermarket
About 50 years ago, the last original grocery stores had to make way for supermarkets, also known as 'Grootgrutters' (grutter = grocery).
Whereas the grocer played an advisory role within the small-scale food supply, the supermarket focuses on the large and diverse supply. It turned into a place of size and mass, where temptation is constantly present.
With all these temptations we are unable to make informed choices.
Our healthy intentions vanish into thin air as soon as we enter the store. We often pick attractive, prepackaged, long shelf life or unhealthy food.
70% of all common household food is bought at the supermarket
With the growing number of obese people and health problems, we should cautiously ask ourselves whether consumers are fully responsible for their own obesity when they are unknowingly tempted.
Welcome at Goedgrutter, the supermarket that tempts you to buy healthy
Goedgrutter is an interactive installation where visitors can gather information with a hand scanner. The installation shows how landscaping, nudging and impulse items can be used to help consumers make healthier choices. We redesign existing techniques for the sake of consumers' health.
Visit our pop-up supermarket, give us feedback by posting it on our “supply and demand wall” and contribute to our design research!