Welcome to our Soft Space,
a place to de-stress, and to interact with the environment
by exploring the world around you.
Our materials trigger wonder and relaxation,
revealing the natural flow of wind, the reflection of
colours or literally just helping you take a fresh breath of air.
Soft Space
During the last months we took the time to contemplate, research and set new horizons for our studio. Our aim is to design and create signature walls and innovative surfaces, enriching environments and enhancing the well being of people. By applying technologies in a soft and tactile way, we add value to the environments we spend most of our time in, adding softness to our ever digitalizing world.
You are very welcome in our Soft Space, a place for de-stressing, interaction with your environment and for exploring the world around us. Our materials make you wonder and relax, showing the natural flow of wind, reflecting colours, or literally helping you breath.
Bio Mirror
We will present the results of our research project about stress-reducing surfaces, in close collaboration with a behavioral scientist Renske Bongers, TU Delft and TU/e. (Thanks to a contribution of ‘Impulsgelden’ from the Province of Noord-Brabant and by advice from Kunstloc Brabant)
Fringes & Floats
Our innovative textile wallcovering collection, in close collaboration with EE Exclusives (Thanks to a contribution from the MRE Stimuleringsfonds of Metropool Regio Eindhoven)